How to Clip in Bombay Hair Extensions: Step by Step!
Posted on June 05 2017
Welcome to our latest clip-in extension tutorial!
If you're ordering clip-in extensions for the first time, it can be a bit tricky finding the perfect way to put them into your natural hair. There's so many ways to place the clips and create some amazing hair styles. The sets of extensions come with 1 clip, 2 clip, 3 clip and 4 clip pieces (5 clip pieces in our Tammana sets). It's completely up to you how you do this process, you can add your own creative spin to it - this is what's so wonderful about clip-in extensions.
This is a step-by-step tutorial with Christy Sandhu showing you the basic placements of clip-in extensions into your natural hair.
Click the video below for Christy's step-by-step tutorial for your clip-in extensions: